Daily Living Training


Beginning with a home or work evaluation, Vista specialists will adapt and recommend simple and individualized methods to empower clients in their homes. This includes appliance adaptations, kitchen organization and lighting evaluation. Our focus is on simple and easy to use strategies which drastically increases usability and safety.

Level 2:

Vista specialists will enable you to cook simple meals by learning knife and oven safety, liquid control, and food management. You will learn how to manage cleaning products, sweeping and vacuuming techniques, and closet organization – so you never have to worry about wearing mis-matching colors again!

Level 3:

Learn how to use smart devices to enhance your cooking repertoire, scheduling, and other daily tasks to increase your efficiency. Then you can spend more time enjoying life’s pursuits!


Level 1: Create a safe and usable home or work environment.

Level 2: Learn to cook, clean, and maintain your home. You will be able to cook simple meals, manage shopping lists, and organization all those charging cords.

Level 3: Advanced cooking skills and integration of assistive technology into daily skills.


“After my Daily Living Training lessons I am in charge of my own home and it’s not in charge of me. I can use the microwave, wash clothes, identify spices, and organize my own medications.”

“When I went to college I suddenly realized I didn’t know how to keep my dorm clean. Vista Center taught me how to clean laundry, take out the trash, and vacuum so I could keep my life organized and healthy.”

